
This site is owned by Autocool Automotive Air Conditioning Specialist whose registered office is situated at:

20 Eversley Road, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex, England. TN40 1HE 

Our Company registration number is 13916604

This Privacy Notice applies when you visit or use our website. Further Privacy Policy statements and documents may apply offline and these are available, if relevant, on request.

There is a full detailed privacy statement below which you are free to read – however this top section provides a summary of what data we collect and what we do with it in simple and straightforward terms.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to email us on

Online data – we use google analytics to collect overall data on the number of visitors to our site and what they do when they are there. For example, if 100 people viewed our home page and then 86 of them viewed an individual product, we can see that information. We also review how long people stay on our site and broadly, where they come from down to a regional level. We do not store or collect any data on IP addresses or use that data to identify individuals. Although this information is available through google analytics, it is not used by us or processed in any way. We use the data we collect to alter our website on a general level. We do not, at present, tailor the site to individuals.

Customers – we collect the names and addresses of our business customers as well as their contact details for the purposes of dealing with them on a day to day basis. This is necessary if we are going to be able to deliver on our customers’ requirements. All customer data is stored for 7 years after which it is securely destroyed (shredded). We also sometimes send our customers a monthly email newsletter, from which they are free to unsubscribe.

You can opt out of receiving any contact, other than that mandated by our contractual obligations, by emailing

Customer Data

You have the right to be forgotten by us. If you want to be forgotten, email We will remove all the data we hold other than what is required under our contractual obligations. We will not communicate with you. However, you should be aware that by being forgotten, should your details be passed to us or you make a new enquiry, we will neither hold, nor have access to data about you. We also need to store some data, in a secure place, to ensure that we remember your request to be forgotten (for example should we need to restore systems from a backup, we need to know, to remember, that you wanted to be forgotten).

As part of handling and processing your data we have a designated Data Controller and this is your first point of call should you have any issues or questions about what we do, or why we do it.

Our Data Controller is:







Privacy – Your Rights and Further Details

Your Right to be Informed

You have the right to be informed about what we do with your data, and why. Therefore, to ensure that you are, we have compiled a handy summary below.


We Respect Your Privacy and Safeguard Your Data.

The personal data we collect, process or use is treated securely and in accordance with our privacy policy, described below. Whenever you give us personal data, you are consenting to its collection and use in accordance with this policy, including our use of cookies explained below.

This privacy and cookie policy lays out our specific commitments, in compliance with GDPR 2018.

The data controller is Autocool.

Any queries about data use or storage, please email the data controller, this online document is a summary, so if you require more information, just contact us.

As a Data Controller, we will take all the necessary steps to comply with the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 and relevant subordinate legislation when handling any personal data which you may provide to us.

This includes ensuring that data is: fairly and lawfully processed; processed for limited purposes; adequate, relevant and not excessive; accurate and secure; not kept longer than necessary; processed in accordance with your rights and not transferred to countries outside the UK without safeguards.


Your Personal Information

Collecting very specific, relevant information is a necessary part of us being able to provide you with the services you are purchasing. We will only use your personal information fairly and securely and will never do anything with it (such as sharing it with any other party) that you have not clearly agreed to, or that could be considered irresponsible.


How We Collect Your Data

We collect your data from phone calls, emails, from your appointed representatives and in the case of Businesses, web search engines, directories and websites. We also collect data from our customers.


Lawful Basis of Our Processing

We process data under our contractual obligations to our customers, and under our legitimate business interests, and when received – consent.


Contractual Obligations

It is necessary for us to process your data to deliver on our contractual obligations.


Legitimate Business Interest

It is in our legitimate business interest to keep you informed of our products with the purpose of retaining your custom for the future, or, if you are not currently a customer, for the purposes of potentially supplying you with our products.

We may use the information held about you in the following ways: to administer any account you have with us; to perform our contractual obligations to you; to respond to your queries and requests; to communicate with you; to ensure that the content of our site is presented in the most effective manner; to provide you with the information, products and services requested from us; to provide you with helpful information about our products or services; to make improvements to the service we provide you.

We also reserve the right to disclose your personal information where we are required to do so by law, such as to assist in any disputes, claims or investigations relating to your account or contracts with us and to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions.

We communicate with existing customers under our legitimate business interest, giving them the option to opt out at all times, when the data is collected and on all subsequent communications – complying with GDPR and PECR.

When we process your personal information for our legitimate interests, we make sure to consider and balance any potential impact on you (both positive and negative), and your rights under data protection laws.

Our legitimate business interests do not automatically override your interests – we will not use your Personal Data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted to by law).

We collect a range of data – information required to deal with our customers and process their data. We also collect contact details (e.g. email address, phone number, address).

We may share this data with third parties (share, not sell) such as email sending providers who have confirmed that they are in line with GDPR.

We may share your personal information with certain third parties who provide services on our behalf. Such 3rd Parties only have access to the personal information they need to perform those services. They are bound by contractual arrangements with us and are required to keep your personal information secure and confidential. They may only use it as permitted by us in accordance with our Privacy Policies.

If you have contracted with us, we will share data only to the extent necessary for the performance of the contract, otherwise we will obtain specific consent from you before sharing your data.

The third parties who provide services on our behalf fall into the following categories: our partners providing logistics and external service support; our business partners or advisors for the purposes of completing or investigating a transaction with you; marketing agencies appointed to provide services to us; the service providers operating this site on our behalf; accountants, auditors, law firms, payment processors; information technology support providers; advertising services, analytics services, computer application and content providers.

We do not transfer data outside of the UK or EEA. However, by the nature of the Internet, the personal data you supply through this website may be sent electronically to servers anywhere in the world, google analytics data for example. It may be used, stored, and processed anywhere in the world, including countries outside the European Economic Area. Any transfers the data outside the EEA it will ensure that all reasonable security measures are taken and that any third party processers will be required to process the data in accordance with GDPR.

If you share other people’s data with us, for example if you order on behalf of another Company, you will need to check that Company consents to you providing their information to us.


How Long do we Store Your Data?

We retain all data for 7 years from last purchase or last contact, after which it is securely destroyed.


Your Rights

You can find more information on your individual rights on the ICO website by clicking here

You can withdraw your consent for any aspect of our data processing at any time by emailing Please be aware that we must process and maintain data to support contractual obligations to you and to third parties so withdrawing your consent will not necessarily mean your data is deleted. We will retain what is necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations, and also an identifier to ensure we do not collect your data again – so we have a record that you have asked us not to process your data.

You can object to any aspect of our data processing at any time by emailing

Please be aware that we must process and maintain data to support contractual obligations to you and to third parties so withdrawing your consent will not necessarily mean your data will not be processed. We will retain what is necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations, and also an identifier to ensure we do not process your data again – so we have a record that you have asked us not to process your data.

You can request rectification of any of the data we hold on you if you believe it to be inaccurate by emailing

You have the right to see what data we have on you by emailing We will deal with your request within 1 month of request.

You have the right to data portability so we will transfer the data we have on you to any other appointed company at your request. This will not include business confidential information.

You can also lodge a complaint with the ICO if you feel we have not lived up to our obligations by clicking here


The data we hold comes from two sources – for our customers it comes from the customers themselves. For our business contacts it comes directly from them, or from publicly available sources including the internet. Our customers also supply us with their data for the process of marketing.

We do not use our data for the purposes of profiling or automated decision making. Except that we use google analytics data to help develop or website. All analytics data is anonymous. If you want to exclude yourself from being monitored by analytics, the simplest way is to use private browsing. We use cookies – specifically google analytics – to track behaviour on our site – using private browsing will ensure that your visits are not tracked. It is not technically possible for us to remove individuals from the analytics data at present.

In order to provide you with the best, tailored experience of our site we will need to place small text files, or ‘cookies’, on your computer. Most cookies that we use are ‘session’ cookies and only exist for the time that you are using our site. They perform functional tasks – such as remembering that you are logged in as you move from page to page, or to pre-load your personal details into forms to save you time.

We also track cookies anonymously to fuel our site analytics and learn how to improve your experience and hone the relevance of our products and services.

We also use cookies in our emails to track open rates and other performance indicators – again, so that we can continually improve the relevance and experience of our offering to you.

You can set your browser to reject all cookies. Please note that if you do this then certain areas of this website will not be able to function for you. Choose a browser setting that rejects third-party cookies but allows the benign, functional ones that make the good stuff work.

External links to any site other than ours are not our responsibility – obviously, we cannot control how any other business handles your data.



You can rest assured that all of your personal data is kept secure. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet is guaranteed 100% secure, but we do take appropriate steps to protect the security of your personal data as required under our obligations under GDPR.

We endeavour to keep your personal data accurate and up to date. If you become aware of errors or inaccuracies, please email

Contact – Any queries or concerns about the use of cookies on this website should be sent by email to or addressed to the Data Protection Controller,

Autocoolair, 20 Eversley Road, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex, England. TN40 1HE


Children’s Data

Our site is not directed at children and should not be accessed by them. We will not knowingly collect information from minors without their parent’s or guardian’s consent.


Business Transfer or Sale

In the event our business, or part of it, is taken over, bought or merged with another business we may need to disclose any personal data we are holding about you to the other Company so they can continue to provide services to you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

It may be necessary to transfer your data to a Company that is negotiating with us for the purchase of our business but only where it is necessary to evaluate the business purchase transaction. In this case your data would be kept safe and destroyed by the third party if the sale or merger did not go ahead.



The Autocool logo and contents of this website (including text, design and graphics) are trademarked and copyrighted materials of Autocool or its partners. All rights are reserved.


Online Advertising we May Use

We reserve the right to use Google AdWords Remarketing to advertise ourselves across the Internet. AdWords remarketing will display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of our website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your internet browser. The cookie does NOT in any way identify you or give access to your device. Google AdWords Remarketing allows us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you.


How to Opt Out of Remarketing and Advertising

If you do not wish to participate in our Google AdWords Remarketing, you can opt out by visiting Google’s Ads Preferences Manager.

You can also opt out of any third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting


Use of Third Party Computer Applications for Video Conferencing

Where we engage with you Online using a Video Conferencing Application the following will apply: all participants in Video conferencing will be given specific log in details; we as Data Controller will manage the Personal Data shared by participants and restrict or control access as necessary for the security of other participants and to prevent cyber security issues such as Phishing;  password access will be controlled by the Moderator and individual passwords issued where an increased risk is perceived such as large groups or public access.


We will review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time and all changes will be posted to this page.

This Policy was updated on 18th May 2022.